NodeList, HTMLCollection, Regular Expressions & New JavaScript Questions
April 28th 2024 - May 03rd 2024
Let's look at what we worked on in BigBinary Academy during the week of April 28th, 2024 to May 03rd, 2024.
JavaScript Course Update
This week, we have added three new lessons in our Selecting DOM Elements chapter in the JavaScript course. Methods like querySelectorAll, getElementsByTagName, and getElementsByClassName return either a NodeList or an HTMLCollection. These are array-like objects but are not arrays. Because of this, array methods like map and filter do not work with them. Learners often need clarification on this problem. In the new lessons, we have explained how to work with a NodeList and an HTMLCollection. We hope this helps!
Next, we have added eight new questions in the JavaScript course. Here are the questions:
Finally, we have added the first few lessons in our Regular Expressions chapter. It is an important concept and we will be adding more in the coming weeks. Check it out!
Added a new Batch
We have added a new batch of students from Rajagiri College to the workshop. We welcome all the 70+ learners who are joining the BigBinary Academy Workshop. These are third-year students from multiple branches of the college. They will spend a couple of hours daily working on BigBinary Academy. We look forward to working with them.
Student Highlight
Sarath K Preman is a final-year student of Computer Science at the Government Engineering College, Thrissur. He has been consistently covering BigBinary Academy for four hours every day. Sarath has been working on our Learn JavaScript course. We are excited to see his progress. You should check out his Password Generator Project.
Community Feedback
Deepanshu highlighted a couple of typos in some of our lessons. We have removed the typos. Thanks Deepanshu!