Logging Multiple Values, Removing Properties & Welcoming IGIT Sarang
April 14 2024 - April 20, 2024
Let's look at what we worked on in BigBinary Academy during the week of April 14, 2024 to April 20, 2024.
JavaScript Course Update
This week, we have added a lesson that should help students log multiple values in the console using a single console.log statement. Another lesson that we added shows how to remove properties from objects. In our HTML course, exercises are now referred to as challenges. In our JavaScript course, last week, we started restructuring how each challenge is presented. A typical question will now have the problem statement first, then a code snippet with input and expected output, and finally, the code editor. This week, we have made the change live in our JavaScript course.
Added two new Batches
We have added two new batches of students. One from the Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang, Odisha, and one from Federal Institute of Science and Technology, Kerala. We welcome all 80+ learners to the workshop. They will spend 4-6 hours daily working on BigBinary Academy. We look forward to working with them.
Student Highlight
Neda Ashraf is a final-year student of Computer Science at the Government Engineering College, Thrissur. Neda has been consistently covering BigBinary Academy for four hours every day. She has been working on our Learn JavaScript course. She has been thorough, and we are happy to have her with us.
You should check out her Portfolio Project.