Second Exercises in Chapters & Welcoming CIME, Bhubaneshwar Learners
07th January - 13th January 2024
Let's take a look at what we worked on in BigBinary Academy in the week of Jan 07 to Jan 13.
Added second exercises to Chapters
A much needed change that we want to introduce in all our courses is have more exercises. Currently, in most of our courses, we have a single exercise after each lesson. We want students to pick up a concept and practice as much as they can. Students have also given us the feedback that having a single exercise is not enough. They would love to practice more, for which they currently have to use external resources. We want to change this! This is why, we have decided to add more exercises to all our lessons.
Checkout a second exercise in the Basic JavaScript course.
We have started adding second exercises to other courses too.
Checkout a second exercise in our Basic CSS course.
Checkout a second exercises in our Ruby course.
Standardized Test Cases
Throughout our courses, we have many comprehensive exercises with multiple test cases. This week, we started working on ensuring that each comprehensive exercise has exactly four test cases.
Checkout a JavaScript Intermediate Comprehensive Exercise with four test cases.
Improved JavaScript Practice Questions
We have added some new questions and improved some existing questions in the JavaScript Practice Questions List.
Take a look at JavaScript Basic Practice Questions.
Made the code editor more fun
The code editor has the Nord theme which is darker and easier on the eye. Checkout the new look for the code editor in our lessons.
Take a look at our old code editor.
Checkout the updated look of our code editor.
New Batch of Students
A new batch of students from CIME College is starting today. We welcome all 90 students who are joining BigBinary Academy Workshop. Around 25 of these students are final year students and they would be spending full day working on BigBinary Academy. We look forward to working with them. If you are in a college and you think your college can benefit from partnering with BigBinary Academy, then please fill out the form.
Student Highlight
Aaditya Shukla is a student of Electronics and Communications in ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad. He has been covering BigBinary Academy for an year now. Here is a shopping cart project that he just built. He has been covering our HTML, CSS, JavaScript courses. The last course that he completed was the intermediate JavaScript course. Managing a time commitment of half an hour to an hour of programming daily along with his college commitments is commendable. Keep it up, Aaditya!